
Director SAFN Bangladesh

Major General ANM Muniruzzaman (Retd)

Major General ANM Muniruzzaman (Retd) is the President of Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies. He is also the Chairman of Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change. In this capacity he has worked extensively on security implications of climate change. His writings on climate security issues have also been published widely. Earlier this year he briefed the UN Security Council on security implications of sea level rise and has also spoken at US Senate briefing on climate security. He was also named in Climate 25, a global list of strategic voices on climate change. He is a former career military officer who spent over 38 years on active duty.

During his active duty tenure he served at various levels including the command of an artillery brigade and infantry division. General Muniruzzaman was also the head of Bangladesh artillery. He has served as military adviser to the President of Bangladesh, and has been on the faculties of the Defense Command and Staff College and the National Defence University. General Muniruzzaman has extensive experience in UN Peace Support operations and had the distinct honour of heading the post-election UN Mission in Cambodia.

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