Undemocratic Rule of Modi’s India is a Security Threat to South Asia

By Asanga Abeyagoonasekera – Executive Director SAFN “When a significant civilisational state is astray, it impacts its neighbourhood and stability, threatening regional security.” “West’s neglect of India’s smaller neighbours served to boost India’s ambitions in the region” “With India’s undemocratic practices, will Modi deliver the strategic partnership Washington seeks?” Is India a Democracy? One of the…

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India at Crossroads: How Modi’s Hindu Nationalist Party is Reshaping the Nation’s Identity and Future

By – N.G Ishini Shashipraba  Pic:WikiMediaCommons “This vision has been a subject of intense debate and controversy, with critics arguing that it goes against the Country’s secular and pluralistic traditions and undermines the rights and freedoms of minority communities“ Hindutva is a political ideology that stresses the role of the supremacy of Hindu culture and…

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Bangladesh Elections 2024: An Overview

By Md Salman Rahman Introduction On January 7th, 2024, Bangladesh conducted its 12th parliamentary election amidst intense political tensions gripping the nation. Awami League’s victory for the fourth consecutive term has managed to clinch the victory. The period leading up to the polls was characterised by clashes between opposing factions. The Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and Jamaat-e-Islami,…

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