India at Crossroads: How Modi’s Hindu Nationalist Party is Reshaping the Nation’s Identity and Future

By – N.G Ishini Shashipraba  Pic:WikiMediaCommons “This vision has been a subject of intense debate and controversy, with critics arguing that it goes against the Country’s secular and pluralistic traditions and undermines the rights and freedoms of minority communities“ Hindutva is a political ideology that stresses the role of the supremacy of Hindu culture and…

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Sri Lanka Remains Fragile, A Year After Anti-Government Protests 

By Rathindra Kuruwita – Associate Fellow SAFN On late March 2022, several hundred people, fueled by anger over a worsening economic crisis, attempted to storm then-President Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s private residence. A few weeks later, protestors gathered at the Galle Face Green and made camp, demanding the resignation of Rajapaksa and an end to the political system that…

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