Undemocratic Rule of Modi’s India is a Security Threat to South Asia

By Asanga Abeyagoonasekera – Executive Director SAFN “When a significant civilisational state is astray, it impacts its neighbourhood and stability, threatening regional security.” “West’s neglect of India’s smaller neighbours served to boost India’s ambitions in the region” “With India’s undemocratic practices, will Modi deliver the strategic partnership Washington seeks?” Is India a Democracy? One of the…

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Strategic Foresight: A Catalyst for Economic Recovery

By Air Chief Marshal Gagan Bulathsinghala, Senior Fellow SAFN Sri Lanka should also consider the national security clearance aspect of large-scale foreign strategic projects. Strategic planning is great if your environment is stable and unchanging but should be better when we are facing “VUCA” – Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos, and Ambiguity.  We must expect the unexpected. However,…

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