Undemocratic Rule of Modi’s India is a Security Threat to South Asia

By Asanga Abeyagoonasekera – Executive Director SAFN “When a significant civilisational state is astray, it impacts its neighbourhood and stability, threatening regional security.” “West’s neglect of India’s smaller neighbours served to boost India’s ambitions in the region” “With India’s undemocratic practices, will Modi deliver the strategic partnership Washington seeks?” Is India a Democracy? One of the…

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Strategic Foresight: A Catalyst for Economic Recovery

By Air Chief Marshal Gagan Bulathsinghala, Senior Fellow SAFN Sri Lanka should also consider the national security clearance aspect of large-scale foreign strategic projects. Strategic planning is great if your environment is stable and unchanging but should be better when we are facing “VUCA” – Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos, and Ambiguity.  We must expect the unexpected. However,…

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India at Crossroads: How Modi’s Hindu Nationalist Party is Reshaping the Nation’s Identity and Future

By – N.G Ishini Shashipraba  Pic:WikiMediaCommons “This vision has been a subject of intense debate and controversy, with critics arguing that it goes against the Country’s secular and pluralistic traditions and undermines the rights and freedoms of minority communities“ Hindutva is a political ideology that stresses the role of the supremacy of Hindu culture and…

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Sri Lankan Prime Minister’s Beijing Visit an Invitation for Chinese Strategic Expansion 

By Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, Executive Director SAFN ‘China wishes to push forward BRI in Sri Lanka fully’ ‘Agreement on Chinese Marine Scientific Research Despite the Moratorium’  ‘Chinese Debt restructuring promises and expansion of Chinese investment portfolio in Sri Lanka’ ‘Attempt to implicate India in the Easter Sunday Terror attack and Sri Lanka becoming an Indian sub-colony’…

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Rise of Ultra-Nationalism and Elections, Tamil Nationalism and Resurrection of LTTE Ideology in Sri Lanka

By Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, Executive Director SAFN The Tamil Nationalism propagated in the north of Sri Lanka will significantly influence the Sinhalese Buddhist Nationalism in the south. Four factors will propel Sinhalese Buddhist ultra-nationalism to impact elections. There is a high possibility of an ‘India-Out’ campaign in Sri Lanka, just like in Maldives. A day before…

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Between the Mountains and Diplomacy: Nepal’s Quest for Stability and Sovereignty

By Dr. Irfan ul Haq from University of Kashmir & Joshua Bowes from SAFN The analysis explores Nepal’s dual challenge: mitigating the impact of natural calamities while adeptly navigating the geopolitical currents shaped by its powerful neighbours. Introduction Nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Himalayas, Nepal presents a unique case study in the realm…

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